First Aid

What is the definition of first aid? It is the first care usually given to an injured person before they reach the hospital. The first aid kit usually has the basic things like thermometer, bandages, gloves, thermal emergency blanket, sterile dressings among many other things. When first aid is administered to an injured person, it can save a life.

We may not be physically sick or have any physical injuries, but we hurt every other day. God created humans with emotions, our bodies have the capacity to hurt to life’s issues. This is why we also need first aid to deal with our hurts and pains. Are you weak or heavy laden? Are you sick? Where can we find our very own first aid? In the word of God. Jesus offers us salvation for free, He offers us deliverance from all sorts of addiction, He is the best definition of saving lives. He not only saves you while here on earth, but offers us life everlasting even after we die.

May we all receive first aid from Christ for all the problems surrounding us, and may we receive it in good time that our lives may be saved and not perish in the lake of fire. You don’t need anybody to administer to you this kind of first aid, you just need to call on His wonderful name, He will hear and He will answer and attend to your needs. If your wounded, He will heal and give you peace, if your in distress, or overcome with fear, His peace shall be your portion.

Jesus Christ my redeemer and Saviour



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